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Man Stage 5 and Woman Stage 7

This combination is somewhat functioning. The Woman will be able to function as a mentor for the Man and he will have something good to look up to – if he recognizes higher stages of Chili Power.

The reverse constellation would have been better, but these two are perfectly able to maintain a temporarily mentor/lover/friend relation which can benefit the man in particular, if he wants to.

Many women would not be interested in being mentor for the man – especially not if he is going trough Stage 6 (the giving up Stage) and becomes soft and weak. And many Men Actually does not recognize higher stages of Chili Power anyway.

The work will be focussed on raising him a few levels which can be tough as his next Stage is Stage 6 and this transition is not necessarily easy. This Man demands a woman who are at a lower Stage than him. Otherwise he will have a hard time being a man and Women at Stage 7 and 8 are often seen as Women at Stage 3 or 4 by a man at Stage 6.

Almost no Men has the guts to continue through Stage 6 because this leap is gigantic. These men often stops at this Stage and remain there for the rest of their lives.

The Woman can not in any way connect to his heart and his Power as he hasn’t really developed it yet and that would be unsatisfying for her in the long run. Sexually he does not understand the woman as he has not experienced the true Chili strength of her Stage. She needs to open her heart fully and sex in the long run could be boring for her because he lacks Chili Power. She will most likely get stuck in her brain and think that something is wrong with her – and there is nothing he can do about it. He just doens’t match her.

The Man demands a Woman who can be fully present in her femininity, which woman at Stage 7 can, otherwise he can’t feel like a man. Teal woman possess all the feminine values and power of a Stage 3 and 4 woman which he will mistake as a Stage 3 and 4 woman, but she also possesses a lot more than that and he will not be able to match that.

The Man has to revise his view on Chili Power and this Woman would be a perfect teacher in this process. The Man has to transition through Stage 6 and only a highly developed woman can handle this, but probably not in the long run. She will only stay in the relation, which would be mostly sexual until she finds a better match.

This relation is perfect for friends with benefits, common experiences (travels, vacations etc.) and mentoring but not much more.

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